Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Week 6 Thing 14
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Week 5 Thing 13
Week 5 Thing 12
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Week 4 Thing11
I felt certain that the Wordle based on my blog would be full of umm’s and like’s. Good thing this is based on my typing skills and not on my speaking skills:) I found that my two biggest words used were “kids” and “people”. I guess that means that what I’m blogging about is in fact geared toward my profession and how these web 2.0 tools can be applied in the school setting and not about me, me, me. I have to say, once you get going on Wordle, it’s hard to stop. I was able to create one for the books in our Scott Foresman Reading curriculum. Which means this would be relevant for my first graders. Just like the tutorial mentioned, I can have the kids write a short summary, draw a picture, or sequence a story they read that was on their reading level based on the words in the Wordle. If the book was at their reading level, then the Wordle will be at their reading level too!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Week 4 Thing 10
Anyway, I find this to be more useful for me as a teacher than for my first graders. However, I do have some high kids that are currently working on a research project. I suppose I could put websites that I have approved and that are kid friendly on my delicious account so that they could do a modified search for information instead of being flooded with a bunch of inappropriate junk that they can’t even read.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Week 3 Thing 9
I’ve gotten off my soap box. Please let me know if I totally missed the point:)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Week 3 Thing 8
Monday, September 7, 2009
Week 3 Thing 7
The guy on the Google Reader tutorial mentioned that you could type in key words like recipes. What a good idea. I am now salivating and making a grocery list because I have 10 new Betty Crocker recipes on my page. I also really enjoyed Cool Cat Teacher's blog with her list of the Top 10 Things Teachers Need. Who knew you could sharpen your old scissors by cutting sandpaper?
As you can see I gathered a lot of valuable information today;)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Week 2 Thing 5
There are probably a million ways to use this in the classroom. I love the idea of making a magazine cover for the class. I also thought it would be fun to take pictures from popular children's books and have the kids fill in thinking bubbles for the characters based on information from the story. We have a project coming up where the kids have to interview a family member. Wouldn't it be fun if the kids then made a trading card for that family member as a thank you? It could include some of the information the family member shared only with a super hero twist. I am getting way too excited about this:)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Week 2 Thing 4

I just booked my spring break vacation to Disneyland and that's all that's on my mind right now. Seeing this picture puts a smile on my face. I can't wait to feel like a kid walking down Main Street! I also chose this picture because Walt Disney is sort of our inspiration this year at Rockrimmon. Every year our principle gives us a theme. This year we are the Rockrimmon Imagineers. Doesn't that just seem perfect for this class? Walt Disney and his crew were some of the most creative and technologically advanced people. They were able to create a world that people only dreamed about. They made the impossible possible. Just when I'm starting to feel like some of this technology stuff is impossible for me to master, I surprise myself and get it done and even enjoy it.
Flickr is amazing! I have already set up an account and can't wait to start sharing my photos!
Credit: Joe Penniston