Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 4 Thing11

Wordle is more trouble than it’s worth. Actually, I shouldn’t blame Wordle. My computer is going to be the death of me! I just spent 40 minutes trying to create a Wordle based on my blog and all I kept getting was a big fat X. I tried going through their troubleshooting steps twice but nothing worked. I finally had to drive over to a friends house to use their computer. OK, calm down, breath deep.

I felt certain that the Wordle based on my blog would be full of umm’s and like’s. Good thing this is based on my typing skills and not on my speaking skills:) I found that my two biggest words used were “kids” and “people”. I guess that means that what I’m blogging about is in fact geared toward my profession and how these web 2.0 tools can be applied in the school setting and not about me, me, me. I have to say, once you get going on Wordle, it’s hard to stop. I was able to create one for the books in our Scott Foresman Reading curriculum. Which means this would be relevant for my first graders. Just like the tutorial mentioned, I can have the kids write a short summary, draw a picture, or sequence a story they read that was on their reading level based on the words in the Wordle. If the book was at their reading level, then the Wordle will be at their reading level too!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your trouble with Wordle - sounds like you need to update Java. If this is a school laptop, your BTC will need to login and take care of that for you. -Nancy
